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ECL Calculation

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X-Elinie/RiD (Niels):
* ECL is normally equal to class level (heroic characters are +1, professionals -1, and characters with NPC levels are also -1); so your elite 6th level fighter captain is ECL 6, while your professional 7th level expert adviser is only ECL 5.

The above is from Bjørn post on leadership.

I don't understand.

What is heroic characters? - Isn't Fighter a heroic class? - Shouldn't the elite captain mentioned in the example above be ECL 7?

What is the difference between professionals and NPC levels? - And how does this make the lvl 7 advisor ECL 5 and not just ECL 6?

Elaborate?  :)

X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten):
EDIT: I take that back

elite 6th level fighter captain

6 level fighter, and that's it.
= ECL 6

7th level expert adviser (professional)

7th lvl
NPC levels -1
professional -1
= ECL 5

If the captain was a heroic character (by which I'm guessing PC) he'd be ECL 7.

That, of course, is my understanding of it.

Heroic characters gain the more favorable 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 10 ability spread, as opposed to the 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8 of Elite characters. Heroic characters gain +1 skill point and 1 extra feat at first level. In the context of the game they are also...heroic...and so can hope to fare better when they adventure. Hence the +1 level adjustment.

X-Elinie/RiD (Niels):

Yes, Of course, the stat array.

So Heroic is: 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 10 = +1 ECL modifier
Elite is: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8 = 0 ECL modifier
Professional? is: 10 10 10 10 10 10? = -1 ECL modifier

And from there its:

Normal PC classes = +0 ECL
NPC classes (no domain action associated) = -1 ECL

What about Blood in this regard? - Thats not counted? - We certainly pay for it when hiring. Same for spells. Consistency?

Yes, yes, I am the puppy who keeps peeing on the carpet. So, neuter me.  :) *wag, wag*

The Bloodlines document has rules for bloodlines, level adjustments included.

How does spells relate to character generation?


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