RoE Development > Cartographers Guild

Updated Map for RoE III

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X-Points East:


Roads and features map

Roads & Features map + movement

Keep in mind that red = road, not highway, but that some of those roads were in fact down-on-their-luck highways...just to make things complicated.

Talinie & NIT/TD (Linde):

--- Quote from: DM B on October 20, 2013, 05:33:59 PM ---Keep in mind that red = road, not highway, but that some of those roads were in fact down-on-their-luck highways...just to make things complicated.

--- End quote ---
So it would make more sense to change the legend for the new roe3 map to yellow=major road; brown=minor road?

Talinie & NIT/TD (Linde):
Colonsay. As it is the only vanilla barrier island of any significant size you will have to ask Matt or Andy for the terrain of the others.

Talinie & NIT/TD (Linde):
Roads missing in Talinie:

Greensward to Serimset. In Serimset the road continues to the border of the gorge with two branches that reach the boarder of Winters Deep and Freestead respectively.

Icehaven to Winters Deep. One road taking the direct route from Novelton and one road following the coast. The direct route only reach the southern part of Winters Deep and stop short of connecting with the road on the boarder to Serimset, while the one following the coast continue all the way to the boarder to Hopes Bastion.


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