RoE Development > Asarwe Basin
Introduction to Rheulgard
Rheulgard is a region long left alone by humans, for it remains one of the most remote and least accessible realms in Cerilia. The sidhe never lived her in numbers, for most found the woods and lakes and streams too dark for their liking. When the remaining sidhe, over the course of several centuries, retreated into Coullabhie, Brechts from the Basin South region slowly migrated south across the Mountains of the Stille Wäthcer. Eventually several local kingdoms (cantons) emerged, but they generally stayed on peaceful terms with one another, not least because they were separated by barriers of water, wood and rock. Except for a few brief attempts at domination by this canton and that, the land has never been unified. So much so that ‘Rheulgard’ is just a term used to refer to the region. Citizens of the Canton of Unbrau would be very offended if you suggested that they be subjects of the kingdom of Rheulgard – they think of themselves as Unbrauer.
In the later years of the Anuirean Empire, when its rule became oppressive, certain freedom loving Brechts fled to Rheulgard. Their influence brought a greater degree of cultural identity to the area. And when Brectür finally rose in rebellion the descendants of some of the same refugees returned to the Bay to carry the banners of freedom. These events brought Rheulgard more fully into the rest of the Brecht world, and helped cement its bonds to the realms along the great bay, but natural barriers has prevented the influence from becoming overwhelming. As a result Rheulgard is still characterized by the existence of a number of independent sub-realms, but they are fewer in number than was once the case, with several smaller cantons joining together into larger ones.
North-central Rheulgard, the Canton of Poden and its dependents, is the ‘real’ Rheulgard. Hidden deep within the forest and hills, surrounded by mountains and lakes and rivers, can be found numerous villages and small towns – all bound together by paths and roads and waterways, terminating in the city of Poden. Poden itself is an old settlement that has slowly grown over the centuries thanks to its superior location – and the cunning political and commercial dispositions of a long line of Meisters. The city is not walled – there was never been any threat of attack on it.
Richard Kaysun, Meister of Poden: Male Brecth; Noble 3; Vorynn, major, 38; LN. By virtue of being the elected Meister of the City of Poden Richard is also the head of the Cantons of Poden (which is really a collection of several lesser cantons). Around the Bay he is known as a Markgraf in certain circles, a title that Richard seeks for himself. Richard is a man with a vision – he wants to see all of Rheulgard united – under his own rule of course. To this effect he courts the powers of the Bay, in particular Müden, in the hopes that they will provide him with the resources he feels he needs. Unfortunately that about the extent of his plans – Richard has his vision, but little concept of how to make it reality. Indeed, getting outside aid is probably the worst idea ever, as it will surely cause both nobles and commoners alike to question his motives.
In the east the Canton of the Stille Wächter (known as the Baronie der Stille Wächter along the Bay) came into being around 1330 HC, when the Herzogs of Berhagen decided to invest some time and energy into securing their southern flank. This relationship continues to this day, with the Soldar of Stille Wätcher also being known as the Baron of Stille Wätcher at the Berhagen court (note that Baron is the equivalent of ‘Markgraf’ in Berhagen, a lesser title than Berhagen’s sovereign Markgrafs). The Soldar keeps an eye on Molochev and ensure that the Stille Wätcher doesn’t become a safe haven for outlaws and goblins. Northern Stille Wätcher is mountains and forests, while the southern part is dominated by fertile farmlands – and numerous fortifications.
Alford Oerwinde, Soldar (Baron) of Stille Wächter: Male Brecht; Cleric 11; Cuiarécen; Basaïa, major, 39; CG. This militant priests of Cuiarécen has served as Soldar for literally a lifetime. He is old now, and his hair turned white, but on his older days he has developed a keen political mind and now relies more on diplomacy and subterfuge then violence when dealing with the enemies of Rheulgard and Berhagen.
In the south a younger coalition has risen, forged from Unbrau and Nochlauch by a Khinasi wizard in the late 15th century. Later rulers have added the woods, plans and steppes to the south and east to the realm – provinces not normally associated with Rheulgard. Unbrau seeks to maintain its ties with the Khinasi world, Sendoure in particular, and wishes to expand upon river trade on the Asarwe. There is also a degree of interaction with Molochev, with the Temple of Lana’s Light being an important church in Unbrau (the temple is known as Wachen an Sonnlacht in Rheulgard). The temple of Ruornil is also important, mostly thanks to Unbrau’s rulers being wizards.
Frederika Liebshül, Mater of Unbrau: Female Brecht; Wizard 6/Noble 1; Brenna, minor, 19; LN. A descendant of the Canton of Unbrau’s founder, Frederika is schooled in the Khinasi style of wizardry, though she has never sworn the Oaths. Frederika enjoys the support of the local temple of Ruornil, and with their blessing she has been able to expand upon her source network, despite the presence of the powerful Rheulaan Greencloak.
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