RoE General > The Bard (IC)

Boer's Landing - Relen in the forenoon.

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Esme Tamlin:
And this one is... why yes that is Marshal Sigismund, our Warden of the South, well done Milady! I did not know that you were acquainted.

Esme Tamlin:
Who is what brute? You mean this fellow?

Why that is no brute, Milady, that is First Brother Skarlsmann. Oh there is no need to worry Milady, Sigurd is rarely in the capital, he is most often out on the western border, he is the Warden, you know, but even were he here you would have no cause for concern Ma’am, but he is truly very gentle, a man of few words he is, though he does look most fearsome.

Esme Tamlin:
The Warden of the North? Why yes Haile, I should say Sub-Commandant Moere has posed for me, let me see. Yes here it is. I hoped to express her popularity with the people, she has the common touch, something uncommon among so many great Lords and Ladies, present company excepted Milady, of course. Think you that I have captured that aspect of her personality?

Esme Tamlin:
Ah, the Lady Chatelaine is free to see you now Milady, we had best not keep her waiting. A portrait? But of course I have painted Mutti. Oh I am sorry; I should call her by her name, Karollina Malkapf. Mutti?  It is the Brecht term of endearment for one’s mother, you see, and it is what we all call her, she is, besides Lady Chatelaine, the Camp Mother, she is the widow of the first captain-General, you see.

Esme Tamlin:
You are too kind Ma’am, I too have enjoyed our brief sojourn.

Why yes Milady, of course you may return to see more, I am flattered and honoured that you think them worthy of interest. Yes, yes, of course Milady, the day after tomorrow would be fine, and yes, I am sure that mid-afternoon would be fine, ma’am. I shall have the cook prepare us a light luncheon, would cheese and cold chicken be acceptable? Wonderful! But wait one moment, here please allow me to make a gift of the woodland scene you so enjoyed, no, no Milady, I insist, it is the least I can do to repay your kindness.

Until Varilen then, Milady, I look forward to it.


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