> The Great Beyond (OOC)

Need picture, hunting for...


Torele Anviras/TA (Niels):
I need one or more images of:

A human with skin so translucent the veins show through.

Exposed eyesballs, as if there are no lids.

Lips reduced to the point where the teeth and gums are exposed.

If you have any...  :)

Ohlaak (Alan):

--- Quote from: Torele Anviras/TA(Niels) on July 08, 2013, 11:56:17 PM ---I need one or more images of:

A human with skin so translucent the veins show through.

Exposed eyesballs, as if there are no lids.

Lips reduced to the point where the teeth and gums are exposed.

If you have any...  :)

--- End quote ---

Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars?

Torele Anviras/TA (Niels):

And here I thought I was being original. :)

Yup, Palpatine is close to what I'm looking for. Thanks!


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