RoE Development > RoE PbeM Whiteboard

Noble houses

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X-Roesone/ARR (Robert):
There's the SuperDaulton (TM) who serves as my general :)

Can anyone find a Daulton Duke (past or present)?

X-Roesone/ARR (Robert):
Try as I might, apart from a duchess by marriage, Anasatie, I canno find any other Daulton dukes :)

Well, well...there was one Knight-Marshal Merran Daulton, leader of the Iron Guard, who helped get rid of Gavin Tael. He was, for a brief time, Duke of Dhalaene.

And of course, House Roesone has a Daulton retainer as well...

X-Points East:


House Baccaere (HTC)
House Dosiere (Chamberlain) . . . Helaene was actually referred to, as an unblooded relation.
House Haensen (LPA)
House Iniere (PP)
House Maricoere (HA)
House el-Mesir (Mesire {& TAn})

House Gheirout? (WSK {as "Gheirut"}?)

House Griene (unblooded individual in NIT)


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